A new 5-year independent external evaluation of the European Fisheries Control Agency for the years 2017-2021 commenced on 26 November.
The evaluation will be conducted in line with the Evaluation Mandate and its Terms of Reference.
The key to the success of this evaluation is ensuring comprehensive feedback from all stakeholders to the benefit of EFCA´s whole community, therefore we would appreciate your involvement if you are contacted by the external evaluator.
Over the next weeks and months, the evaluation will define the focus of the study (inception phase).
There will then be a stakeholder feedback exercise involving all relevant stakeholder groups of EFCA.
An evaluation Steering Committee (ESC) has been appointed by the Administrative Board to support and monitor the work of the Evaluator. The Committee comprises of 7 members:
- 1 Commission Representatives
- 2 Representatives of Member States
- 3 EFCA Representatives
- 1 Project Manager
The evaluation will conclude with final recommendations for the Administrative Boarding on the future work of EFCA. Both the recommendations and the external study will be made public.