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EU Bluefin tuna fishing season in the Mediterranean opens with reinforced fisheries control means

The European Fisheries Control Agency (EFCA) is coordinating the fisheries control for bluefin tuna in the framework of its Joint Deployment Plan (JDP). In this context, Member States (MS) and EFCA will pool their control and inspection means to jointly implement monitoring, control and surveillance activities.


In the Mediterranean Sea, 202 purse seiners, 69 flying EU MS flags will be actively fishing for this species from 26 May. EFCA will coordinate the EU fisheries control means towards EU and third country flagged vessels in international waters under the ICCAT Joint Scheme of International Inspection, ensuring compliance with the international and EU legal framework in force. 


The joint control, inspection and surveillance activities will be coordinated from EFCAs coordination centre in Vigo with the participation of experts from the eight Member States involved in the fishery.


Overall, inspection and surveillance strategy and daily recommendations will be provided on the basis of the data and information received by national authorities and ICCAT in the context of the Joint Scheme of International Inspection.