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Proyecto Argelia – Vigilancia marítima

EFCA support to strengthening Algeria capacity in fisheries control and surveillance

The project named ‘EFCA support to strengthening Algeria capacity in fisheries control and surveillance’ was developed within the framework of the Blue Economy — Fisheries and Aquaculture Programme (Algeria) adopted by the European Commission in Decision C(2020) 7568 of 29 October 2020 on the financing of the 2020 Annual Action Programme for Algeria.

In that context, the European Commission’s Action Document on the Blue Economy — Fisheries and Aquaculture Project provides in its Specific Objective 3 (OS3) that ‘Algeria has the operational capacity to monitor, control and manage fisheries throughout its territory by meeting the definitions and requirements for supervision and reporting to regional fisheries management organizations (CGPM, ICCAT).

Expected results:

Result 1 (R1): The updating of the legal framework, in accordance with international and regional standards (ICCAT/GFCM) for fisheries control and surveillance, is prepared and drafted by the Algerian authorities, with the support of EFCA.

Result 2 (R2): AIS/VMS systems designed to equip fishing vessels are made available to the Algerian authorities and the data are transmitted to the Algerian FMC;

Result 3 (R3): The Algerian FMC is able to receive VMS/AIS surveillance data, and staff are trained to analyse and cross data’s.

EFCA contribution

In this context, EFCA will provide assistance to the Algerian authorities, in coordination with Expertise France, and implement the activities under result R.3.3, in particular technical assistance and advice to:

  • drafting the terms of reference and specifications for the publication of the call for tender by Expertise France for the acquisition of VMS/AIS tracking devices,
  • monitoring and installation of the equipment by the contractor selected under the call for tender, participation (as an observer) in the selection and evaluation committee of the offers received,
  • support for the organisation of information sessions for fishing vessels masters, shipowners and local producer organisations,
  • the training of the future FMC operators and Algerian trainers in possible synergy with other EFCA projects, such as PESCAO or e-FishMed to promote the sharing of knowledge.
  • assistance to the Algerian authorities in legal matters (drafting of legislative and/or regulatory documents).

Duration and regional scope

The duration of the EFCA contract for the implementation of this project is 4 years (1 March 2022 to 28 February 2026). The actions will be carried out in close cooperation with the Algerian authorities and  Expertise France as a partner in the implementation.