Denmark has established a new Real-Time Closure in their waters of The Skagerrak starting from 01/05/2024 to 21/05/2024 23:59 hrs.
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Under the framework of the e-FishMed project, initiated by the European Commission and financed under the European Maritime, Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund (EMFAF), trainers from the European Fisheries Control Agency (EFCA) and the General Directorate of Fishery and Aquaculture of the Tunisian Ministry of Agriculture, Water Resources and Fisheries, delivered a training on risk management in the context of fisheries control of inspection. France, one of the e-FishMed Project Partners, supported the event providing a trainer from the “École du service public de la mer (ESPMER)”
The training took place in Tunis, Tunisia, from 7 to 9 May 2024. 20 officials and fisheries inspectors from the Tunisian Fisheries Administration attended the course. In line with the e-FishMed objectives, the training will contribute to the fight against IUU fishing, and a better control of the compliance with conservation and management measures.
Relying on a risk management process is essential as it improves targeting for inspection and makes it possible to set objectives for inspectors. This results in more cost-effective control and inspection activities at sea and port.
The three-day session aimed at training staff undertaking inspections on how to apply the risk management principles to decide which fishing vessel to inspect and at which moment of its fishing trip (or in port), achieving in this way their operational objectives.
More information about the e-FishMed Project can be found here.
EFCA is an EU agency that promotes the highest common standards for the control, inspection, and surveillance under the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP). EFCA was established to organise operational coordination activities by the Member States and to assist them to cooperate so as to comply with the CFP rules in order to ensure its effective and uniform application. EFCA also supports non-EU countries in the framework of EU funded capacity building Projects.
The added value of the work of the agency lies in its contribution to sustainable fisheries by enhancing compliance with conservation and management measures and to a playing field for the fishing industry.
- More information on EFCA: Home | European Fisheries Control Agency (
- More information on GFCM:
Sweden has established a new Real-Time Closure in their waters of The Skagerrak starting from 09/05/2024 to 29/05/2024 23:59 hrs.
Lors d’une réunion qui s’est tenue à Alger le 13 mai dernier, l’AECP a présenté la feuille de route des deux prochaines années du volet «surveillance des pêches» du programme «Économie bleue». Cette feuille de route a notamment permis de faire le point sur les activités menées au cours des deux premières années du projet tout en présentant la planification pour les deux années restantes.
L’AECP a présenté les principaux résultats de l’analyse juridique du cadre législatif algérien qui permettra ensuite d’apporter une assistance spécifique à l’élaboration de nouveaux textes juridiques. En outre, l’AECP a travaillé en collaboration avec le ministère de la pêche et des productions halieutiques (MPPH) afin d’identifier les flottes et les catégories de navires de pêche à équiper de balises VMS (système de surveillance des navires). Les balises seront financées par l’Union européenne (achat et installation) afin de contribuer à la protection et à la gestion des ressources et à la lutte contre la pêche illégale. En outre, le lieu qui accueillera le futur CSP (Centre de surveillance de la pêche) a été identifié. L’AECP accompagnera les autorités algériennes dans la création de ce nouveau service, notamment en termes de formation et d’élaboration de documents de gouvernance et de procédures opérationnelles normalisées (SOPS).
L'économie bleue est un concept qui vise à promouvoir la croissance économique, l'inclusion sociale et la préservation ou l'amélioration des moyens de subsistance tout en assurant la durabilité environnementale des océans et des zones côtières. Le programme d'économie bleue, financé par l'Union européenne en Algérie et mis en œuvre en partenariat avec le ministère de la pêche et des productions halieutiques. Il couvre les 14 wilayas côtières et a une durée d'exécution de 48 mois. Il est géré en partie par Expertise France, en coopération avec l’AECP, qui est en charge de la composante du programme consacrée au renforcement de la surveillance de la pêche.
La matinée de travail a été consacrée au comité de pilotage du programme «Économie bleue». Dans l’après-midi, l’AECP a présidé la réunion du comité technique du projet «RESUP Algérie» en présence de la délégation de l’UE à Alger et avec la participation de représentants de plusieurs ministères invités, en particulier le ministère de la pêche et de la production halieutique, principal bénéficiaire du projet. Le Directeur du programme national, Expertise France, le Service national des garde-côtes (SNGC), le Service algérien des télécommunications (ATS), l'Agence nationale des fréquences (ANF), la Direction générale des douanes (DGD) et l'Autorité de régulation des postes et des communications électroniques (ARPCE) y ont également participé.
RESUP Algérie (Renforcement de la surveillance des pêches en Algérie)
Le Programme Economie Bleue s'inscrit dans la mise en œuvre de la Stratégie Nationale pour l'Economie Bleue en Algérie (SNEB 2030) et vise à favoriser les synergies intersectorielles pour le développement des activités économiques liées à la mer et aux côtes. Il poursuit trois objectifs principaux : (i) soutenir la création d’emplois, de valeur et de nouvelles possibilités d’investissement, (ii) améliorer les revenus et les conditions de travail des pêcheurs artisanaux et (iii) renforcer les capacités opérationnelles de suivi, de contrôle et de gestion de la pêche.
La durée du contrat de l’AECP pour la mise en œuvre de ce projet est de quatre ans (du 1er mars 2022 au 28 février 2026). Les actions sont menées en étroite coopération avec les autorités algériennes en tant que bénéficiaire ainsi qu’avec Expertise France en tant que partenaire de mise en œuvre.
L’AECP fournit une assistance aux autorités algériennes, en coordination avec Expertise France, et met en œuvre des activités relevant du résultat R.3.3 du programme «Économie bleue», en particulier une assistance et des conseils techniques, au profit de trois résultats escomptés:
• Résultat 1 (R1) : La mise à jour du cadre juridique, conformément aux normes internationales et régionales (CICTA/CGPM) en matière de contrôle et de surveillance de la pêche, est préparée et rédigée par les autorités algériennes, avec le soutien de l’AECP;
• Résultat 2 (R2) : Le système de surveillance des navires (VMS) destiné à équiper les navires de pêche est mis à la disposition des autorités algériennes et les données sont transmises au Centre algérien de surveillance des pêches (FMC);
• Résultat 3 (R3) : Le CSP algérien est en mesure de recevoir des données de surveillance VMS/AIS, et le personnel est formé à l'analyse et au recoupement des données.
L’AECP est une agence de l’UE qui promeut les normes communes les plus élevées en matière de contrôle, d’inspection et de surveillance dans le cadre de la politique commune de la pêche (PCP). L’AECP a été créée pour assurer la coordination opérationnelle des activités des États membres et les aider à coopérer afin de respecter les règles de la PCP et de garantir leur application efficace et uniforme. L’AECP soutient également les pays tiers au moyen de projets de renforcement des capacités financés par l’UE.
La valeur ajoutée du travail de l'Agence réside dans sa contribution à la pêche durable en renforçant le respect des mesures réglementaires.
EFCA has presented the roadmap for the next two years of the fisheries monitoring component of the Blue Economy Programme in a meeting on 13 may in Algiers. This roadmap has been developed taking stock of the activities carried out in the first two years of the project and presenting the planning for the remaining two.
EFCA presented the main results of the legal analysis of the Algerian legislative framework which will then make it possible to provide specific assistance in the drafting of new legal texts. Furthermore, EFCA worked in collaboration with the Ministry of Fisheries and Fisheries Production (MFFP), to identify the fleets and categories of fishing vessels to be equipped with VMS (Vessel Monitoring System) beacons which will be funded by the European Union (purchase and installation) in order to contribute to the protection and management of resources and the fight against illegal fishing. Also, the location which will host the future FMC (Fishing Monitoring Centre) has been identified. EFCA plans to support the Algerian authorities in the creation of this new service, particularly in terms of training and drafting governance documents and standards operational procedures (SOPS).
The blue economy is a concept that aims to promote economic growth, social inclusion, and the preservation or improvement of livelihoods while ensuring the environmental sustainability of oceans and coastal areas. The Blue Economy Programme, financed by the European Union in Algeria and implemented in partnership with the Ministry of Fisheries and Fisheries Production, covers the 14 coastal wilayas and has an execution period of 48 months. It is managed by Expertise France, in cooperation with EFCA as regards the part of the programme dedicated to the Strengthening Fisheries Surveillance.
The morning of work was dedicated to the Steering Committee of the Blue Economy Programme.. During the afternoon, EFCA chaired the meeting of the Technical Committee of the “RESUP Algeria” project in the presence of the EUD in Algiers and with the participation of representatives of several invited ministries, in particular the Ministry of fisheries and fishery production as the main beneficiary of the project. The National Programme Director, Expertise France, the National Coast Guard Service (SNGC), Algeria Telecom Service (ATS), the National Frequency Agency (ANF), General Directorate of Customs (DGD), and the Postal and Electronic Communications Regulatory Authority (ARPCE) also participated.
RESUP Algeria (Strengthening Fisheries Surveillance in Algeria)
The Blue Economy Programme is part of the implementation of the National Strategy for the Blue Economy in Algeria (SNEB 2030) and aims to promote intersectoral synergy for the development of economic activities linked to the sea and coasts. It has three main objectives: (i) support the creation of jobs, value, and new investment opportunities, (ii) improve the income and working conditions of artisanal fishermen, and (iii) strengthen operational capacities to monitoring, control and management of fishing.
The duration of the EFCA contract for the implementation of this project is 4 years (from 1 March 2022 to 28 February 2026). The actions are carried out in close cooperation with the Algerian authorities as beneficiary as well as with Expertise France as an implementation partner.
EFCA provides assistance to the Algerian authorities, in coordination with Expertise France, and implements activities falling under result R.3.3 of the Blue Economy Programme, in particular technical assistance and advice, for the benefit of three expected results:
• Result 1 (R1): The update of the legal framework, in compliance with international and regional standards (ICCAT/GFCM) in terms of fisheries control and surveillance, is prepared and drafted by the Algerian authorities, with the support of the EFCA;
• Result 2 (R2): The Vessel Monitoring System (VMS) intended to equip fishing vessels is made available to the Algerian authorities and the data are transmitted to the Algerian Fisheries Monitoring Centre (FMC);
• Result 3 (R3): The Algerian FMC is able to receive VMS/AIS surveillance data, and staff are trained in the analysis and cross-checking of data.
EFCA is an EU Agency that promotes the highest common standards of control, inspection, and surveillance under the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP). EFCA was created to ensure the operational coordination of the activities of Member States and help them to cooperate in order to comply with the rules of the CFP and ensure their effective and uniform application. EFCA also supports non-EU countries through EU-funded capacity building projects.
The added value of the Agency's work lies in its contribution to sustainable fishing by strengthening compliance with regulatory measures.
The European Fisheries Control Agency (EFCA) is coordinating the fisheries control for bluefin tuna campaign in the framework of its Joint Deployment Plan (JDP) from the end of May until the end of the season. In this context, Member States (MS) and EFCA will pool their control and inspection means to jointly implement monitoring, control and surveillance activities.
The objective of the control campaign is to ensure compliance with the international and EU rules adopted for the conservation of the bluefin tuna. In preparation of the campaign, EFCA has been assisting EU MS in the training to their national inspectors.
EFCA will coordinate the activity of EU fisheries control means towards EU and third country fishing vessels in international waters under the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT) Joint Scheme of International Inspection. The joint control, inspection and surveillance activities will be coordinated from EFCAs centre in Vigo with the participation of experts from the eight Member States involved in the fishery: Croatia, Cyprus, France, Greece, Italy, Malta, Portugal, and Spain.
Overall, inspection and surveillance strategy and daily recommendations will be provided on the basis of the data and information received by national authorities and ICCAT in the context of the Joint Scheme of International Inspection.
The European Fisheries Control Agency (EFCA) has adopted the first joint deployment plan (JDP) in the Indian Ocean. JDPs are the legal and operational vehicle through which EFCA organises the coordination of fisheries control activities of Member States.
The European Commission adopted a specific control and inspection programme (SCIP) applicable to the fishing activities by EU purse seine and support vessels on tropical tuna species (yellowfin tuna, bigeye tuna, skipjack tuna) in the Indian Ocean. and EFCA coordinates the joint inspection and surveillance activities by Member States concerned through a Joint Deployment Plan.
The Indian Ocean JDP will entail coordination by EFCA of the inspection activities by France, Italy and Spain in ports in the Indian Ocean region where the landings of the three tropical tuna species take place. The coordination activities will include the exchange of data and information, the application of joint risk management, and the deployment of joint teams of Union inspectors.
¨The adoption of this JDP means a great step forward in the inspection effort of these important fisheries in the Indian Ocean region,¨ said Susan Steele, EFCA Executive Director. ¨EFCA builds upon a long and profound experience in the cooperation of national inspection activities through the JDP framework, which has been successfully implemented already for many years for fisheries in EU sea basins and international waters, including the Baltic Sea, Black Sea, Mediterranean Sea, North Sea, Western Waters of the North-East Atlantic, NAFO and NEAFC. ¨
Workshop in Mozambique with the Indian Ocean Commission (IOC)
Moreover the European Fisheries Control Agency (EFCA) is providing technical support through a workshop on risk management in fisheries in the area.
The workshop is organised in the framework of the EU funded programme ECOFISH in close cooperation with the Indian Ocean Commission, bringing together officials in charge of inspection and control of fisheries, from 9 countries (Comoros, Madagascar, Mauritius, France (Reunion islands), Mozambique, Seychelles, Somalia, Tanzania and Kenya), over 3 days in Maputo.
On 25- 27 June 2024, the European Fisheries Control Agency (EFCA) hosted the seventh Annual European Coast Guard Event in Tenerife, Spain. It was co-organised with the European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA) and the European Boarder and Coast Guard Agency (Frontex). The event gathered around 100 representatives responsible for coast guard functions from 22 EU Member States, along with representatives from the European Commission and the three EU Agencies.
The Annual European Coast Guard Event serves as a forum for providing consultation and feedback on the Agencies’ cross-sectoral and cross-border cooperation activities. EFCA, EMSA, and Frontex support Member States in the implementation of different coast guard functions, such as fisheries control, maritime safety, border control and search and rescue, under the framework of the European Coast Guard Cooperation.
This year’s event focused on three main topics currently being developed and implemented together with Member States authorities:
- Multipurpose Maritime Operations (MMOs): The MMOs are being implemented in different sea basins, providing increased technical and operational assistance to Member States by coordinating operational activities.
- Exchange Programme for national authorities implementing coast guard functions, led by EFCA in close cooperation with EMSA and Frontex: The Programme had this year 21 coast guard authorities and entities from 9 Member States (Belgium, Croatia, Finland, France, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Romania and Spain) & Iceland that offered overall 128 places as hosts.
- The Common Information Sharing Environment (CISE), led by EMSA and that enters now in the operational phase.
The event also provided the opportunity to present the results and prizes under the Greening Award Initiative, which aims to celebrate the sustainability actions that are being carried out by coast guard authorities all over Europe. Winners were announced in three categories: Greening Operations, Outreach and Awareness, and Greening at Work. Details on the winning projects can be found at
Susan Steele, Executive Director of the EFCA, praised the achievements of the interagency cooperation: “The three partner EU Agencies in the Maritime Domain have established since 2017 a unique cooperation framework involving their respective Member State competent authorities and the European Commission. After these seven years, we are now at full speed in terms of our cooperation with very concrete examples. It is clear that the European Cooperation on Coast Guard Functions is an added value for Member States fisheries control authorities and for EFCA. This will also benefit the needed future developments under the revised EU fisheries control system.
Denmark has established a new Real-Time Closure in the North Sea starting from 01/07/2024 to 22/07/2024 23:59 hrs.
EFCA hosted a training for fisheries monitoring centre (FMC) operators in EFCA in the context of the e-FishMed project initiated by the European Commission and financed under the European Maritime, Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund (EMFAF)and the EU funded project within the framework of the Blue Economy — Fisheries and Aquaculture Programme (Algeria) RESUP Algeria project.
EFCA trained participants in using and analysing Vessel Monitoring Systems (VMS), Automatic Identification Systems (AIS), and other modern control technologies such as satellite imagery. FMC operators from Algeria, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco, and Tunisia participated in the training. They had the opportunity to share experiences and best practices and to visit the EFCA Control Centre.
The training is one of the capacity-building activities implemented by EFCA in the context of the two projects, catalyst for a stronger cooperation on fisheries control, the fight against IUU fishing and sustainable blue economy in the Mediterranean region.
The e-FishMed project aims to improve monitoring, control and surveillance of fisheries activities through a better common understanding of the rules to be applied. To that end the project already delivered:
- a common training curriculum as a common basis for training in fisheries control matters
- an e-learning platform that hosts e-learning courses and training material to the benefit of 159 fisheries officials from Algeria, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco, and Tunisia
- an exchange programme that promotes further collaboration and sharing of expertise between northern and southern Mediterranean and Eastern Atlantic countries, and cooperation in the fight against IUU.
The RESUP Algeria project supports Algerian authorities in their efforts to monitor conservation and management measures adopted at international, regional, and national levels and to combat IUU fishing. To that end the project is supporting Algeria:
- updating national legislation in accordance with international and regional standards for fisheries control and surveillance
- providing technical assistance to equip fishing vessels with AIS/VMS systems and to set up a fishing monitoring centre.
EFCA is a European Union agency that promotes the highest common standards for the control, inspection, and surveillance under the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP). EFCA was established to organise operational coordination activities by the Member States and to assist them to cooperate so as to comply with the CFP rules in order to ensure its effective and uniform application. EFCA also supports non-EU countries in the framework of EU funded capacity building Projects.
The added value of the work of the agency lies in its contribution to sustainable fisheries by enhancing compliance with conservation and management measures and to a playing field for the fishing industry.
- European Commission Communication on Sustainable Blue Economy
- Joint Communication on a “Renewed partnership with the Southern Neighbourhood” issued in February 2021.