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Core Curricula

To give effect to its coordination duties and legal obligations, EFCA supports Member States in designing training programmes on fisheries control and inspection. A priority in the development of such training programmes is to create and make available reference materials for the training of the trainers of the fisheries inspectorates and of Union inspectors before their first deployment, the core curricula.

Essentially, the core curricula consist of a number of basic trainings of practical knowledge for national fisheries officials involved in the control and inspection of fishing vessels and their activities. In the strive towards a level playing field among Member States and between the operators in the fishing community throughout the EU, a common core curricula for the conduct of inspections is key.

Below you can find the published core curricula handbooks: 

These handbooks are currently being updated, as a follow-up to the new Control Regulation[1] and other specific legislations.


[1] Regulation (EU) 2023/2842 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 November 2023.