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The General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM) is a regional fisheries management organisation consisting of 24 member countries promoting the development, conservation, rational management and best utilisation of living marine resources, as well as the sustainable development of aquaculture in the Mediterranean, Black Sea and connecting waters.

EFCA coordinates the implementation of joint activities within the domain of fisheries control and inspection, foreseen under the GFCM conservation and management measures. Under the framework of the Eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean JDP and the operational plan in the Black Sea, activities are organised by means of campaigns which are planned, implemented and evaluated each year in close cooperation with the European Commission, the Member States concerned and EFCA. In addition, EFCA supports the GFCM in implementing joint schemes of international inspection to ensure the monitoring of high seas areas. In this context, activities are designed and implemented with the aim to promote regional cooperation and integrated control measures, and provide the tools and expertise to the GFCM in order to support and enhance their conservation and management measures.

EFCA also implements training workshops with GFCM members to enhance the capacity of inspection and control personnel and assist in the overall fight against IUU fishing in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea.

EFCA staff also support the European Commission in the EU delegation to GFCM meetings, in both the annual and inter-sessional meetings of compliance committees and those working groups concerned with monitoring and control measures.