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Improved regional fisheries governance in western Africa (PESCAO)

The project ‘Improved regional fisheries governance in western Africa (PESCAO)’ was adopted by Commission Decision C(2017) 2951 of 28 April 2017.

Overall objective

The overall objective is to enhance the contribution of fisheries resources to sustainable development, food security and poverty alleviation in west Africa. The specific objective is to improve regional fisheries governance in the region through better coordination of national fisheries policies.

Expected results

The expected results or outputs are as follows:

Result 1: A west African fisheries and aquaculture policy is developed and coordination of regional stakeholders is improved.

Result 2: Prevention of and responses to IUU fishing are strengthened through improved monitoring, control and surveillance (MCS) at national and regional levels.

Result 3: Marine resources management at the regional level is improved, building resilience of marine and coastal ecosystems to perturbations.

Contribution of EFCA

The agency will support the Sub-Regional Fisheries Commission (SRFC/CSRP) and the Fisheries Committee for the West Central of Gulf of Guinea (FCWC/CPCO) in attaining the second result, including the specific results indicated below.

Result 2: Prevention of and responses to IUU fishing are strengthened through improved monitoring, control and surveillance (MCS) at national and regional levels.

  • Result 2.1. Fisheries’ legal frameworks are harmonised and consistent with international standards to ensure proper fight against IUU fishing.
  • Result 2.2. Cooperation between countries, administrations and organisations is facilitated.
  • Result 2.3. Infrastructure and equipment of a regional centre for MCS is improved as well as linkage with national MCS structures.
  • Result 2.4. Countries’ and regional fisheries bodies’ (RFB’s) capacities in operational MCS are strengthened, along with their ability to sustain this in the long term through enhanced training programmes.
  • Result 2.5. Joint regional fisheries/patrol missions are organised in the Gulf of Guinea.
  • Result 2.6. A network of regional observers is set up to improve the monitoring of the industrial fleet operating in the region.

Duration and regional scope

The duration of the EFCA contract for implementing this project is 5 years (January 2018 to December 2022) and it covers the SRFC/CSRP and FCWC/CPCO areas. Actions will be carried out in close cooperation with these two organisations and will specifically target 13 countries that are members: Benin, Cape Verde, Côte d’Ivoire, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Liberia, Mauritania, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone and Togo.


Leaflet Contribution of the European Fisheries Control Agency to “Improved Regional Fisheries Governance in Western Africa" in EN, FR and PT.