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*** New contact details for requests of acess to documents***
Please note that the contact details for access to document requests are now:
By post:
European Fisheries Control Agency
Avenida Garcia Barbon 4
E- 36201 Vigo
By e-mail:
Via the Agency’s website:
Information on data protection
Q&A on the right of public access to documents | Document | European Ombudsman (
The vacancy notice is available in 24 EU official languages:
BG | CS | DA | DE | EL | EN | ES | ET | FI | FR | GA | HR |
HU | IT | LT | LV | MT | NL | PL | PT | RO | SK | SL | SV |
Note that each application shall contain the following documents:
- A detailed curriculum vitae in European format (that can be obtained at the following address,
- A duly completed and signed declaration of honour: Declaration on honour.docx
- A motivation letter of 2 pages maximum including a clear mention of the post applied for and of your address for correspondence and for invitation to interview.
These three documents should be sent by electronic mail only to:
Lot 1: Personnel protective equipment; Lot 2: Fishery inspection material; Lot 3: Outfits for working at sea.
The link to the tender documents will be public on 07/08/2023.
The Administrative Board is made up of one representative of each Member States and six representatives of the European Commission. The chairperson elected from among the European Commission representatives or the deputy chairperson shall convene and chair the meetings of the Board and determine its agenda. The Administrative Board was constituted at its first meeting held on 1 February 2006. At its second meeting held on 14 June 2006 in Vigo, Spain, the Administrative Board appointed the first Executive Director of the Agency.
The Executive Director and the representative appointed by the Advisory Board take part in the deliberations without the right to vote.
Chair: Mr Fabrizio Donatella
Deputy Chair: Mr Yiannos Kiriakou
Note that each application shall contain the following documents:
A detailed curriculum vitae in European format that can be obtained at the following address
A duly completed and signed declaration of honour: Declaration of Honour.
A motivation letter of 2 pages maximum including a clear mention of the post applied for and of your address for correspondence and for invitation to interview.
These three documents should be sent by electronic mail only to:
Note that each application shall contain the following documents:
A detailed curriculum vitae in European format that can be obtained at the following address
A duly completed and signed declaration of honour: Declaration of Honour.
A motivation letter of 2 pages maximum including a clear mention of the post applied for and of your address for correspondence and for invitation to interview.
These three documents should be sent by electronic mail only to:
The vacancy notice is available in 24 EU official languages:
BG | CS | DA | DE | EL | EN | ES | ET | FI | FR | GA | HR |
HU | IT | LT | LV | MT | NL | PL | PT | RO | SK | SL | SV |
Note that each application shall contain the following documents:
- A detailed curriculum vitae in European format (that can be obtained at the following address,
- A duly completed and signed declaration of honour: Declaration on honour.docx
- A motivation letter of 2 pages maximum including a clear mention of the post applied for and of your address for correspondence and for invitation to interview.
These three documents should be sent by electronic mail only to:
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
- 6
- …
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