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The specific control campaign of the bluefin tuna purse seine and traps kicks off

EFCA is coordinating the control campaign for the bluefin tuna fishery (BFT) in the Mediterranean Sea for 2021 in the framework of its Joint Deployment Plan (JDP). In this context, Member States pool their control and inspection means, in order to carry out jointly control, inspection and surveillance of fishery activities both at sea and ashore.

EFCA Administrative Board amends the work programme for 2021 and budget to accommodate additional resources

Following the recent amendment to the budget of the European Union for 2021 proposed by the European Commission and adopted by the European Parliament and the Council, the Administrative Board of the European Fisheries Control Agency, in its online meeting today, has decided to amend the agency work programme and budget 2021 onwards authorising the recruitment of 6 additional civil servants and a 4 million euros budget increase.

EFCA has carried out an evaluation of compliance with the landing obligation in selected fisheries in the Baltic Sea

The European Fisheries Control Agency, in cooperation with the Member States Control Expert Group for the Baltic Sea Fisheries Forum (BALTFISH), has carried out an evaluation of compliance with the landing obligation (LO) in selected fisheries in the Baltic Sea during 2017 and 2018.

The evaluation covered plaice, in addition to the species already included in the previous analysis, which were cod, Atlantic salmon, herring and sprat.

New Real Time Closure (RTC) established by Denmark

Denmark has established a Real Time Closure in their waters of the Skagerrak from the 26 of May 2021 to the 15 of June 2021 at midnight.

The Danish Fisheries Agency by inspection of a fishing vessel in accordance with Commission Regulation (EC) no 724/2010 of 12 August 2010, have revealed that the amount of juvenile fish in the catches is found to be too high.

Due to this information, it has been decided to close an area for the period from 28 of April 2021 to the 18 of May 2021 at midnight.

EFCA supports the operation “Stingray” organised by the Sub-Regional Fisheries Commission with analysis and aerial surveillance

From 18 April to 2 May 2021, in the framework of the EU-funded Program PESCAO, EFCA supported the joint control operation “Stingray” organised by the Subregional Fisheries Commission (SRFC), a regional fisheries body based in Dakar (Senegal) that brings together 7 Western African countries[1] to enhance the sustainable management of fisheries resources in the area.

New Real Time Closure (RTC) established by Denmark

Denmark has established a Real Time Closure in their waters of the Skagerrak until the 18 of May. The Danish Fisheries Agency by inspection of a fishing vessel in accordance with Commission Regulation (EC) no 724/2010 of 12 August 2010, have revealed that the amount of juvenile fish in the catches is found to be too high.

Due to this information, it has been decided to close an area for the period from 28 of April 2021 to the 18 of May 2021 at midnight.

Straight lines between the following positions limit the closed area:

1. 58*02’4N og 009*54’3Ø

New Real Time Closure (RTC) established by Sweden

Sweden has established a Real Time Closure, based on an Agreed record of fisheries consultations between the European Union and Norway on technical measures in Skagerrak in Gothenburg 6 September 2018 and Commission delegated regulation (EU) 2019/2201 of 1 October 2019 supplementing Regulation (EU) 2019/1241 of the European Parliament and of the Council with detailed rules for the implementation of real-time closures for Northern prawn fisheries in the Skagerrak.

All details can be found on the Swedish website.

The EFCA Administrative Board appoints the new Executive Director and adopts the Agency Annual Report of 2020

The Administrative Board of the European Fisheries Control Agency, in its online meeting, has appointed Dr Susan Steele as Executive Director. Dr Susan Steele from Ireland has a solid background in fisheries management and control. She has been Executive Chair and CEO of the Sea Fisheries Protection Authority of Ireland since 2013. Before that, she was Head of Innovation at the Seafood Development Centre from 2009 to 2013 and Head of Aquaculture and Business Training in Ireland´s Seafood Development Board from 2006 to 2009.