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The EU Agencies save national administrations up to €200 million of public money

The EU Agencies Network, a representative body for the 45 Agencies and Joint Undertakings, presented today at the European Parliament two new studies on the economic and political impact of the agencies in the European Union. According to these studies, the EU Agencies represent less than 0.8% of the EU’s annual budget and could save up to €200 million in costs to national administrations.

The works to paint the mural sponsored by EFCA in collaboration with the City Hall of Vigo have started

As previously announced during the celebration of Europe Day, the European Fisheries Control Agency is sponsoring a mural, which main purpose is to highlight the importance of ocean sustainability, in collaboration with the programme of urban art launched by the City Hall of Vigo. The latter is contributing to the project by providing the materials, assembly and machinery.

World Oceans Day

To mark the celebration of the international World Oceans Day, held every year on 8 of June, the agency organised an internal photo contest. The theme of the competition was "Wonders of the Oceans". The photo collage below reflects an arbitrary selection of photos from the finalists of the EFCA Photo Contest 2016.

EFCA Additional Board meeting: Contribution to the EU Coast Guard & new technologies for fighting IUU fishing activities

During its additional meeting of 21 June 2016 the EFCA Administrative Board exchanged views on the EFCA contribution to the future Europe Border and Coast Guard and adopted some amendments to the Annual Work Programme and budget 2016 to include two pilot projects regarding the “Creation of a European Coastguard function” and “new maritime surveillance technologies for fighting the IUU activities”.

Visit of the Director General of Maritime and Fisheries Affairs of the European Commission to EFCA

The Director General of Maritime and Fisheries Affairs of the European Commission, Mr. Joao Aguiar Machado, visited the European Fisheries Control Agency today with a view to have a good insight of the Agency activities and an exchange of ideas on the ongoing projects.

During his visit, the Director General could find out more about the operational activities of the Agency, its systems, the monitoring of the landing obligation and its contribution to the European Coastguard initiative.

EFCA Administrative Board adopts its annual report for 2015

During its meeting of 10 March 2015, the EFCA Administrative Board adopted the annual report for 2015, which comprised all the activities undertaken by the EFCA during the last year. Last year, EFCA achieved important results in promoting cooperation amongst Member States, assisting the European Commission and contributing to a strengthened European Union system of monitoring, control and surveillance, with a view to guaranteeing a level playing field and a culture of compliance in the most cost-efficient way.