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EFCA’s Administrative Board approves the Agency’s budget and adopts its Work Programme for 2024

The Administrative Board adopted, during its 41st meeting held online on 20 October, the Single Programming Document (SPD), which contains the Multiannual work programme 2024-2028 and the EFCA´s work programme for year 2024. This programming is oriented towards achieving the overarching goal of the Agency of enhancing the implementation of a uniform and efficient Common Fisheries Policy. 

The SPD 2024-2028 presents a five-year cycle for the Agency´s work and gives a picture of the mid-term operational activities according to EFCA’s strategic areas, consolidating priorities and projects that are currently running. 

This document is a key planning tool to deliver EFCA’s mandate and the new changes that are coming up, such as the implementation of the new fisheries control regulation. The agency will have key new tasks in its implementation, including the assignment of Union Inspectors. Besides, a new JDP is anticipated to be added for the Indian Ocean.

EFCA will keep assisting the EU Member States through operational coordination of their control and inspection activities, to ensure the effective and uniform applications of the Common Fisheries Policy. Specific work will be devoted to the improvement of common procedures, methodologies and best practices in support of the EFCA´s joint deployment plans. Moreover, EFCA will also continue assisting the European Union in implementing the international dimension of the Common Fisheries Policy and will keep strengthening its cooperation with EMSA and Frontex in the context of the coast guard cooperation.

EFCA´s activities renew its commitment to the Sustainable Blue Economy in the context of the “European Green Deal'', one of the Commission’s six political priorities, particularly when it comes to the ‘zero-tolerance' approach to illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing’ to preserve and restore ecosystems and biodiversity.

Besides, the Board members have given the green light to the budget for 2024, showing an amount of 30,584 million to expend next year.




EFCA is a European Union agency that promotes the highest common standards for the control, inspection and surveillance under the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP). EFCA was established to organise operational coordination activities by the Member States and to assist them to cooperate so as to comply with the rules in order to ensure its effective and uniform application.

The added value of the work of the agency lies in its contribution to sustainable fisheries by enhancing compliance with conservation and management measures and to a European-wide level playing field for the fishing industry.

The Administrative Board is the governing and controlling body of EFCA. It is composed of six members of the European Commission and one representative per Member State. The Administrative Board holds a meeting at least once a year.